Event FAQs
First, you will need to submit an event request form. You don’t have to know all the details, but it helps us get a general idea of what you are looking for.
Once received, the events staff will review the form and get back to you within 5 business days to let you know the status of your request.
You can schedule a walkthrough of our venue by email duboiscenter@charlotte.edu. You will need to give some general information beforehand.
We do not provide non-scheduled walk-in tours.
Under event information on the event request form it asks: “Additional Dates: separate with and/or:”, here is where you would put all the dates you’re interested in and just separate them by “or”.
At this time there is no event parking. There are pay to park options surrounding our building that attendees may park at. Prices range.
We also highly encourage the use of the light rail.

If you have any questions about parking, contact PaTS at 704-687-0161.
Due to the university’s relationship with Chartwells, events here at The Dubois Center at UNC Charlotte Center City have to use our in house catering service. No outside catering or food is permitted.
Those attending events at The Dubois Center at UNC Charlotte Center City will continue to be required to wear a University-issued nametag or event name badge provided by the program organizer. The name tags must be visible the entire time they are here at The Dubois Center at UNC Charlotte Center City.
All events will need to staff a check in table in the 1st floor lobby and issue a nametag to their attendees. We will assign you a check in table where you can greet your guests. Please check in at the lobby desk to receive your table assignment the day of your event.
Please make sure your staff is ready to receive your guests at a minimum of 30 minutes prior to your attendees arrival time. If no one from your staff is there to greet your guests, the attendees will not be able to leave the first floor lobby until your staff arrive. They will need to stay at the check in table 30 mins after the meeting starts to check in last minute guests. Please make the necessary arrangements to have staffing for this.
You will need to provide the name tags to give to your attendees. The name tags can be as simple as a stick on badge. They will need to have their name and the event name on the badge and keep them on at all times.